The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

So, besides a 3rd door, I've also acquired a large pile of '2nd parts'.
Something quite unique for me though with these 'bits' , as it seems I have all the right bits, in all the right places to actually allow it to move under its own power (no pushing this one around - hopefully.).
Yehhhh. By the weekend, I should be finally a reborn lotus driver after 30 years of mundane motoring. Can't wait. 👍🎉😁😁
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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by Pete Boole »

Brilliant! Well done. Looking forward to seeing it :D


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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

Regular visitors will know I've had a few distraction over the summer (Well one large Silk Red distraction to be more accurate). I can't believe it's so long since I added something to this thread.
Fortunately I had a small part of my restoration "in the bank" and finally this week end I picked up the finished Powder coated unit. - It's the Water Header tank.

Earlier in the thread I commented that "plan C" was now to try and bring the car back to as close to standard as possible. My header tank had lost the main 5/8" water outlet at the bottom through a severe attack of tin worm. All new replacements were pattern parts, mainly made out of Aluminium. - Not much use if you want originality. Acquired an intact original from LB, but it's very rusty and even if sound now, would not have lasted much longer.

I'd acquired a short flared outlet pipe somewhere in the distant past, so a plan was hatched to remove the end plate, graft it into my old tank, shot blast, replace end plate then get powder coated..

Took it along to a guy who convinced me he could do a neat job with MIG. Lesson 1 - He couldn't. Then took it to shot blast. Lesson 2, do the shot blast bit first in future. It would have served better in the kitchen as a colander than as a pressurised water tank :!: :!: :!:

So time for a rethink.
Acquired a selection of metal stock with intent to fabricate an inner tank, external dimensions just smaller than the inside of the old colander.

Many hours of cutting, drilling, filing later it was off to a guy who could do a TIG job this time, and what a job he did. Made me think I should have just got him to re fabricate a full tank - but then it wouldn't have been original would it !!

More work with the file, hammer, drill etc, back to the welders, then finally a trip the the powder coater and "Bob's your uncle" - Simples....:

There's a few holes to now fill with P38, then I'll respray with rattle can, but at least I know I have a good base for longer term protection. Overall, very happy with the end result.

When time permits, I'll put the full works into a separate thread on the forum.

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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by Pete Boole »

Nice one Tony! Looks like new :D


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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by neilbennet »

Hi Tony,

Really looking for updates this year, hopefully as 2022 is going to be a fabulous Classic car year.

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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

I owe a big thanks to Neil. I returned from seeing his car with a renewed motivation to make progress on my own. :D :D
I’m in research mode, as I know the interior trim in my car is wrong. I now have photo’s of two “original” cars, with the same trim materials but they are different ! Oatmeal vinyl and the corduroy material is a common theme, but Neil’s car also has a simple brushed velour finish to some panels in the seat, which another car doesn’t. There’s a difference on the back seats also.

For rear seats, Neil’s car has the Corduroy over the knee area, with just a flash of vinyl along the bottom edge.

The other photo I have is technically an even earlier car and shows vinyl in this area, changing to Corduroy at the base.

On the front seat, the above photo clearly shows vinyl everywhere except the central base panel. Neil’s car has brushed side cheeks and the corduroy on the front !

Has anyone pictures or reference to an M or N plate early car supporting which of the above is more common ( I suspect they both represent how they left the factory) Chassis number wise, my car sits between these two reference points. I feel the earlier car with greater use of Vinyl is probably the more durable, but to my eye, the combination on Neil’s car will probably look nicer.
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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by Pete Boole »

My seats are corduroy and what I believe is headlining cloth (velour?) like your last photo but they are in storage and I can't remember which panels are which. Next time I'm down at the lock-up I'll have a look. The rear seats are like your top photo - corduroy in the middle, headlining cloth to the sides and vinyl on the arm rest area and the flash at the very bottom. My car was first reg in August '74 (thought it was May 'til I checked!).


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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

Thanks Pete. I'm thinking the very earliest cars had more vinyl, but changed to a mix of headlining side panels and cord pretty quickly. I certainly think it will look better, so for now I'll go with a copy of your car and Neil's.
Not sure about the durability of headlining material for side bolsters. I'll probably ask Woolies, as they do have one colour that looks very good match. Anyone any thoughts on supplier of an automotive corduroy? I've checked Boyriven and no go. Did find a general textile supplier who has something which I'll get a sample of but not sure suitability for auto work.

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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by Pete Boole »

ISTR someone on TLF getting some for his resto (Esprit?) - will have to search.


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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

Thanks Pete. I recall that now. Wood for the trees and all that 😀.
Just done a quick search and looks promising.
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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by Pete Boole »

Keep us informed Tony. I've also got an early leather interior which I plan to use in the short term but it would be great to restore the original seats/door cards.


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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

Don't worry all. I've not done anything.
Just thought I'd look back on the post and can't believe I'm in danger of missing 2023 totally if I didn't put something up :roll: :(
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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

Good News / Bad News.
Bad news : offered Pete's recently produced lower grill up yesterday. Thanks to Lotus quality control, "Houston - we have a slight problem".

Best part of 15mm longer than the available space. :!: :!: Don't you just luv these cars :D

Good News : the very fact I've found this out means we have restart number ? ( I don't know. Gave up counting in 2012 :lol: ) on the project.

Bite size bits - Bumper sub assemblies for now, and a bit of wiring.

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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by Pete Boole »

Do the crash panels original? Yours is an early car isn't it? Glad you're back on the case though!


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Re: The longest Elite Resto ? - probably

Post by MetBlue »

Been away on holiday the last week. Time for some serious thinking.
This could turn out to be a pretty expensive holiday.😂
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