Ignition Switch

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Ignition Switch

Post by DavidOliver »

Having done some major engine work I went to start the car and found it had no voltage to the ignition wiring. Being in a need to use the car and thinking I had a Theft Alarm (Cobra) failure I rigged some hard wires with extra switches in reach of the driver.
Now with no time pressure I am trying to restore the wiring and switch to original and if I have an alarm failure I can hard wire to the switch. I have bought a new switch from SJS.
The first problem is access, plus the numerous cables fastened to the ignition switch. I have taken care to check colour codes against the Electrical diagrams. I could not access the grub screw which holds the switch mechanism to the alloy body which is bolted to the steering column and to remove the complete steering locking unit you hve to drill out the bolts as they are theft proofed by shearing off when originally fitted. Also no access to drill out without removing the complete dashboard!!!!!!
So I cut a 20mm hole on the lower side of the dashboard and got the grub screw out, finally loosening the switch which fell apart in the process.
I now find the new switch has five spade connectors to the seven connectors on the original unit, plus there is no drilling for the grub screw location.
I have drilled a thread for the grub screw and now await spade extensions from Amazon ( We have no Halfords here in Madrid).
Fastening new spades to the cables will be a job for the hamster, patience.
If when fixed it proves to be the Cobra system, which I believe are retrofit after the Lotus factory build, I will by-pass direct to the new switch.

Quite a tedious job for something so simple, that is why we have and enjoy our Excels.

Dave the cog

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Re: Ignition Switch

Post by DavidOliver »

Update on the Ignition Switch
Now January 2025 and I am getting closer to fixing this problem.
Images will be posted when I get a response on how now to do this.
With a new ignition switch, which has 5 connections as opposed to the original 7 connections I did not manage to ge it to fit to the switch housing.
The plastic connection between key barrel and new switch did not fit and is flexible causing switch failure to engage..
Having tried to fit the new switch without removing the complete switch and anti-theft steering block I realised that the only way was to remove the anti-steering block.
This is not easy, I used a Dremel high speed radial cutting disc with a 90 º angle displacement, effectively trashing the steering rack housing.
Previously I found that the 5 pin new switch would not fit, the plastic was soft and the unit would not seat firmly in the old housing. Operating the key switch did not operate the electrical switch unit as the plastic is too soft and the switch does not bed in to the housing.
Consequently I purchased a used steering column housing and new 7 contact iginition switch, from Lotusbits.
Here in Spain we suffer from the extra cost of delivery charges, customs duties, courier charges which resulted in a 350 P.S. cost.

I recommend for you guys in UK that should you need to go through this that you only consider buyig the 7 point ignition switch and not the 5 point switch which simply does not fit.
Images to follow when know how now to do it.

Dave the cog

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